Forthcoming Events

Monster Mash Bash - Wednesday 16th October

Pumpkin Picking - Friday 18th October

Sunday 1st December - Christmas Fair

Why do we have FoBPS?

Bickley Primary is a place where parents and teachers come together to organise school events and raise money for the school, and we welcome the new parents this year to FoBPS and look forward to hearing from you with new ideas!

FoBPs helps to promote closer links between home and school, bringing staff and parents together socially, in support of the school, working towards a common goal.  It is fun too – just ask any of our committee members or amazing parents.

All parents and members of the school are invited to be involved, even if they only have a small amount of time available, and all parents are automatically members of FoBPS when their children join our school.

We try very hard when organising and planning events to respect the ethos, morals and diversity of our school to ensure that everyone can be part of school FoBPS events.

Why we are a Registered Charity?

As a Charity we must abide by Charity Commission rules and regulations and we are bound by a constitution.  Our Constitution sets out rules about how we operate as a PTA and how we conduct ourselves.

What do we do?

We spend a lot of time organising school events during the academic year, with the aim of raising money for our school, socialising and having fun.  The Committee try to meet prior to a big event at school.

How can I be Involved?

You don’t have to be a Committee member to be involved.  All our events reply upon the kindness, commitment and hard work of parents at the school and we are always looking for extra support.  There are lots of ways you can help and support your child through FoBPS, such as:

  • Come along to our meetings and find out more about our work
  • Come along to one of our events and help out for 30 mins (or more if you wish)
  • Come along and have fun at our events

    Many hands make light work and offering to help before events and at other times of the year is so valuable.  If you cannot help out on a regular basis or even come into school, there are always jobs that can be done at home if you have 30 mins to spare: eg wrapping Christmas gifts, preparing raffle tickets, designing posters and so much more.

How do we Spend the Money we Raise?

All the money we raise is spent in line with school priorities, with the aim of advancing and supporting the education of children at the school.

We are always looking for new ideas to raise money and provide entertainment for the children.

As well as the events, we have other initiatives running – easyfundraising– all details can be found by clicking here.

We hope to see many of you at our future meetings, and hope you enjoy the events FoBPs put on.

Who are We?

The committee are elected annually at the AGM, which is held in September.  Bickley Primary School PTA Committee for 2024/2025 is:

Chair: Hayley Milne

Vice Chair: Kirsty Duncan

Treasurer: Roxane Marfaing

Vice Treasurer: Jessica Williams


Class Reps:

RHW: Chanel Histed

RK: Danielle Lait 

1H: Chloe Oliver

1B: Jessica Williams

2MG: Morna McPherson

2M: Beth Dunne

3B: Helen Otton

3FH: Monica McSween

4B: Lucy Newton-Phillips

4C: Kathryn Wilkinson & Georgina Amure

5S: Karen Meredith & Julie Driver

5K: Ruth Frankland & Sarah Kennedy

6D: Sara Sarvamaa & Myrto Vrissimdji

6F: Katie Lawlor

6S: Helena Hook & Emma Chapman

6D: Millie Scott


Contact Details

To contact FoBPS please email

FoBPS AGM Meeting minutes 2022-23